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China holds a special place in my heart

海外网 2023-12-04 10:14:53


Salvador Moncada, Ambassador of Honduras to China (Photo by Lu Ningyuan/People's Daily)

I am deeply honored that President Xiomara Castro appointed me as the first ambassador from Honduras to China. China is a country I've visited on a number of occasions and holds a special place in my heart. My admiration for China has grown as I've witnessed its rapid, consistent development.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Honduras and China marks a significant stride towards a more interconnected and prosperous world. This endeavor aligns with the prevailing global trend, where distancing oneself from China equates to isolation in today's interconnected world, a stance that does not serve the interests of any nation.

China, with its remarkable success story, has emerged as a beacon of hope for countries in the Global South, offering valuable lessons in addressing critical issues such as poverty and inequality over the past few decades. In an increasingly multipolar world, it is essential for developing nations to unite around common interests rather than becoming ensnared in geopolitical rivalries.

It is paramount to underscore the notion that no country should be considered anyone's backyard or front yard. We are all equal, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. The world today faces an array of formidable challenges, from the urgent need to combat climate change, address nuclear threats, and tackle socioeconomic disparities to navigating the rapid development of artificial intelligence. In light of these pressing global concerns, it is imperative for nations to seek collaboration rather than embroil themselves in needless conflicts.

Honduras' decision to join the Belt and Road Initiative is a testament to our enthusiasm for this transformative global endeavor. Our participation underscores our commitment to fostering global connectivity and infrastructure development for the betterment of our nation and the international community.The Belt and Road Initiative, in my view, opens the way for a shared future, offering a platform for cooperation that transcends borders and promotes sustainable growth.

With a scientific background deeply rooted in cardiovascular physiology exploration and affiliation with prestigious academic institutions, my appointment as the Ambassador of Honduras to China is a testament to the fusion of my scientific experience with the diplomatic world. My research career has fostered a commitment to the relentless pursuit of knowledge and collaboration, values that I now apply in my diplomatic role.

In an ever-changing world facing shared global challenges, my role as an ambassador is focused on building diplomatic bridges that facilitate the exchange of knowledge, culture, and economic cooperation between Honduras and China. I am confident that our diplomatic efforts will contribute to shared growth and prosperity for our two nations and the well-being of the global community as a whole.

By Salvador Moncada, Ambassador of Honduras to China.

