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63 有关这种需求的阐述,请参见[英]卡尔·波兰尼:《大转型:我们时代的政治与经济起源》,刘阳、冯钢译,杭州:浙江人民出版社,2007年。
64 参见王绍光:“大转型:1980年代以来中国的双向运动”。数据显示,20世纪90年代中后期是社会保障方面公共支出占GDP比重跌入谷底的时期,因为在此期间,无数国有与集体企业“转制”,几千万国有企业与集体企业的职工“下岗”,导致他们中的许多人及其家属被抛出社会保护网。
65 有关中国体制适应能力的讨论,请参见王绍光:“学习机制与适应能力:中国农村合作医疗体制变迁的启示”,《中国社会科学》,2008年第6期,第111~133页。
Is China still a Low Welfare State?
—A "New Leap-forward" in China's Social Protection from a Comparative Perspective
Wang Shaoguang
Abstract: Since the founding of New China, it has successfully completed two historical stages of development and realized the dream of being self-reliant and becoming rich. Now in the third historical stage, China is trying to realize the dream of common prosperity. A vast number of data shows that in order to realize the dream of common prosperity, China has indeed experienced an unprecedented "great leap-forward" in social protection over the past ten years. This shows that China's political system is highly adaptive to changing environment and strongly responsive to the needs of the people. China was in a "low welfare state" around the year 2000, mainly because its policies were influenced by Neoliberalism at one point. If people now still firmly assert that China is a "low welfare" or "zero welfare" or even a "negative welfare" state, that would be groundless.
Keywords: common prosperity, China system, social welfare, social security
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